is a room in my Grandmother’s house on the outskirts of New
City. This room was my very first bedroom, and in it, I watched many
cartoons and television shows now remembered as classics.
At the time, I cared little about video games, though I was certainly
aware of them, and saw commercials for the NES, Sega Genesis, and Super
NES frequently enough to know the differences between them. Many years
later when I finally got my own NES, it was in this room that I had my
first go at many classic games.
The interesting thing about my old bedroom is that even fifteen years
after I last called it my own, it’s still pretty much exactly
I left it when I was five. It’s still covered in teddy bears,
Thomas the Tank Engine poster is still up, many of my toys and books
are still there, as is a small, old TV adorned with foil tipped bunny
ears resting atop a video disk player. In other words, there is
basically nothing in my in bedroom that wouldn't have been there when
the NES was a current platform.

So in
this unique period correct setting, I’ve returned to my old
room to relive my first NES experiences.
At the time I first got my NES, I was going between home and
Grandma’s house frequently and would sometimes stay there for
few days at a time. The first challenge was to actually get all my gear
where it needed to be. The NES itself was pretty easy to carry, and it
could be carried easily in a plastic shopping bag or backpack. For the
cables, cartridges, and accessories, a shoebox provided perfect
conveyance, and it looked pretty cool too.

an average sneaker box, you can easily fit about 20 NES cartridges, all
the necessary cables, two controllers, and even the Zapper light gun.
Since I was dealing with an old T V, the NES RF Switch was the means of
hooking up the system. Interestingly, Nintendo actually continued
making these exact same RF switches for nearly twenty years, I think
they were finally discontinued in 2005 or so.
Unfortunately, before I left home, I forgot to consider the fact that
the wiring at Grandma’s is possibly as old as the house
and is in need of improvements. The power outlet closest to the TV in
my room only had one socket, so I could plug in the TV, but needed to
plug in the NES elsewhere.
Every available plug within cable length of my setup either flat out
didn’t work, or wouldn’t even hold the weight of
the AC
adapter and would just fall to the floor. After messing with multiple
ancient, useless, or outright dangerous serge protectors and multi
jacks, I finally managed to scrounge up a functional extension cable
and find a suitable power source. After this, I had to fuss with the
RF switch for a while to get a decent picture out of the old TV.

It ended up taking about thirty minutes to set up the NES, a process
which normally would have taken less than a minute. I honestly
don’t remember hooking up my NES to have been such an ordeal
when I did this on a weekly basis.
I also don’t remember the picture on the TV being so bad. I
can’t gauge if this is from the already old TV further
deteriorating since 2001, or my simply being spoiled by the newer TVs
I’ve gotten accustomed to since then.
Oh well. In the end, I got the system up and running, took some
pictures, and got to playing.
Those tapes in the background cointain network television recordings
randing from about 1987 to 1992 or so
The Smurfs lunch box is in perfect unused condition. The die cast metal
Tale Spin toy next to Buster Bunny actually
came in a fast food kids meal. I could never imagine them giving away
somthing that substantial in a Happy Meal these days.

Those Smurfs train cars are way older than me. They once had little
plastic smurf heads sticking out of the holes.
There was a little white locomotive engine that came with them, but I
somehow lost it ages ago.
I found the green spinner while I was trying to find an outlet for the
NES. It came from a box of Capn' Crunch in 90 or 91.
Speaking of cereal prizes, that Sugar Bear Christmas decoration came in
a box of Golden Crisp.
Nowadays you would save to send like, a thousand proofs of purchase and
ten bucks S&H to get that same thing.
Actually, I'm not even sure if they make Golden Crisp anymore.
I've been hunting around for it at the supermarket for a few
months now and have yet to find any.

Big Ass Disk.
The best way ever to watch Star Wars (aside from a real theatre).
The only thing missing from this picture is pizza.
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