A Response to a Nintendo Critic
Some time in 2009 I got a
well thought out, even toned message on YouTube from a Nintendo Critic.
This was my response.
Before I respond I’d like to thank you for the time and
thought you put into your message, getting people thinking and talking
about video games in any was is pretty much my ultimate objective in
making my videos.
The reason I care about Nintendo is the same reason anyone would care
about any game company, because they put out games that I enjoy
As you may have seen on my channel, I was in the audience of a live
satellite viewing at Nintendo World of Nintendo’s
E3 2006 media briefing when the Wii was first revealed to the public.
I and everyone else were pleasantly surprised to see Disaster: Day of
Crisis and Project H.A.M.M.E.R. for the first time and understood this
as a message that Nintendo intended to stretch it’s reach
farther than ever before, reaching out not only to its new expanded
audience, but to players of darker, grittier games not even necessarily
in Nintendo’s stereotypically cheerful and family friendly
Pantheon of Mario, Kirby, and the cartoony interpretation of Zelda.
As the months went on, and Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was shelved
indefinitely (according to rumor to focus attention on casual games),
and Disaster: Day of Crisis suffered delay after delay, and is now
unlikely to be released in North America, I definitely appreciate your
sense that you have been misled by the fact that H.A.M.M.E.R. and
Crisis were prominently featured in Nintendo promotional material prior
to the Wii’s launch only to vaporize soon after.
However, I don’t agree with your sentiment that Nintendo has
“abandoned” or “doesn’t
care” about their fans or the traditional gaming audience
which have been supporting them prior to their audience expansion which
began with games like “Nintendogs” and
“Brain Age” in 2005.
I could agree with you if Wii Sports and Wii Music were the only sorts
of games Nintendo was putting out, but while those games do get lots of
publicity due to their popularity and Nintendo’s marketing,
they really are only a small subset of what Nintendo’s made
available since the Wii launched.
Let’s look at the games that actually have
“Wii” in their title and use the toy-like
“Mii” graphical style. We have “Wii
Sports”, “Wii Play”, “Wii
Fit”, “Wii Fit +”, “Wii
Music”, and “Wii Sports Resort”.
That’s six games, two of which are essentially given away for
free with the Wii console and with the Wii Remote, and another which is
nothing but a retail replacement for its predecessor rather than an
actual “sequel” as it were. I’ll add Big
Brain Academy to that mix as well, for a total of seven. I
can’t think of any other decidedly “casual appeal
only” retail titles for Wii at the moment from Nintendo, and
I’ve spent quite a while trying to come up with any more.
Yes they are games like “Animal Crossing”,
“Wario Ware” and “Mario Party”
that some would consider “casual”, but these games
were an established part of Nintendo’s repertoire and enjoyed
by Nintendo players long before there was any talk of audience
expansion with the DS and Wii.
So in the last nearly four years we have had about a dozen or so retail
titles from Nintendo targeted primarily at an expanded audience of
newcomers who hadn’t played video games previously and would
not consider gaming a hobby of theirs even if they own a Wii console or
play one regularly.
And what games has Nintendo released targeted at their traditional
audience who have been playing games well in advance of the launch of
Wii and Nintendo DS?
Since 2006 Nintendo has released Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight
Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Excite Truck, Super Paper Mario, Fire
Emblem, Mario Party 8, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Battalion Wars, Super
Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, Excite Bots, Super Mario Strikers
Charged, Wario Land, Punch Out, Wario Ware, Animal Crossing,
and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
That’s 18 titles that were already established in
Nintendo’s lineup enjoyed by their traditional userbase of
long time gamers, and that’s excluding anything I may have
simply forgot to include, or like “Endless Ocean”,
is sort of intermediate in it’s audience and marketing
between the “casual” and
“hardcore” audiences.
And that’s not including yet to be released games like Mario
Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Sin and Punishment, the new Legend
of Zelda, Xenoblade, and anything else I haven’t forgotten or
has yet to be announced.
Releasing and announcing more than 20 traditional titles, the sort of
titles Nintendo gamers had come to love and anticipate well before the
advent of Wii and Nintendo’s expanded audience, is hardly
would I’d consider a case of Nintendo “not giving a
shit” about their fans. In fact, it looks quite a lot like
the lineup that’s kept Nintendo’s fans happy and
coming back for more the last two and a half console generations.
And that’s only considering Nintendo’s own first
and second party releases.
When it comes to third party shovelware, that’s bound to show
up on whichever system is the most popular in a given generation.
Remember all the horrible cartoon licensed trash that flooded the
Playstation 2 last generation but often didn’t appear on
Gamecube? Not to mention trash like Phoenix Games for PS2, and the list
goes on and on. In fact, I remember shopping for Playstation 2 games
last generation and often finding that two thirds of the games on the
shelf were overtly trashy cash-ins.
The sad fact is, console manufacturers care more about collecting their
licensing fees than making sure the games third parties are making for
their systems are any good if they know that the shovelware
won’t harm their system’s image or reputation so
much that it will endanger their marketshare.
It took a crisis of unlicensed tripe on Atari which endangered the
entire console industry to force Nintendo to institute quality control
and licensing agreements on 3rd parties back in the 80’s, but
once consumer confidence had been re-established, the
“Official Nintendo Seal of Quality” became simply
the “Official Nintendo Seal” certifying that the
game wasn’t bootleg. That’s frankly just how the
business works, and as usual the best way to deal with it is just to
ignore the obvious shovelware and vote with your dollars for quality
I do agree with you in that I’m dissatisfied with Nintendo
stance on online support, which is often contradictory and wildly
inconsistent. I’m actually surprised that
Nintnedo’s first Nintendo Wifi Connection hit, Mario Kart DS,
even had online support. Just two months before Mario Kart
DS’s online capabilities were demonstrated at E3 2005, Iwata
was asked if Mario Kart DS would support online multiplayer, and he
responded with something to the effect of “It will have local
LAN play and that’s good enough. :)”.
With impressive connection statistics for the games that do support
online multiplayer, and their increased interest in online Wii Ware and
Wii Channel applications, along with their increased internet
connectivity with the Nintendo DSi and rumored investigations of
bundled wireless broadband for a possible DS successor, I have hope
that Nintendo will be less shy about online connectivity in the future,
though I wouldn’t go as far as to expect something on the
level of XBox Live, especially with Nintendo’s obsessive
commitment not to charge a fee to make their wireless connection.
When it comes to my recent videos about the Playstation Move,
I’m actually not upset at all that Sony adopted the freehand
setup pioneered by Nintendo’s Wii. Like I said in the video,
the potential benefits of motion control are limited when both hands
are stuck grasping a one-piece controller, and even with the acuity of
the Playstation Move, you’ve gotta keep the analog stick in
play some how, and Nintendo showed that a secondary left hand
controller is the way to go.
Just like how Nintendo innovated the Nintendo 64 controller by adding
controllers with force feedback, C buttons dedicated to camera control,
and an analog joystick built for 3-D gaming, and Sony responded by
improving the design by removing the need for a bulky external
“pak” with batteries for rumble, designing better
analog sticks and adding a second stick for analog camera control.
Then Nintendo and Microsoft went and applied Sony’s
improvements to their Nintendo Gamecube and Xbox controllers.
That’s the nature of competition, and if it weren’t
for console manufacturers copying and improving on each
other’s designs, games would have not evolved beyond the
original Atari VCS.
Finally, I’d like to refute the point that Nintendo doesn't
care about graphics. The NES, Super NES, and Nintendo 64 all had the
best graphics available at the time of their launches, and Nintendo
Gamecube, though not as powerful as the original XBox, was itself more
powerful than the Playstation 2 to the point where gaming magazines
hailed the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 a considerable achievement in
that it’s visuals were nearly identical to those of the
Gamecube version.
Nintendo likes their graphics. They weren’t afraid to boast
Twilight Princess as the most beautiful Nintendo game ever made at E3
2006, but Nintendo won’t consider graphics above their
overall strategy of designing a system when their goal is to make the
hardware, small, affordable and easy to develop for.
If Nintendo tried to go head to head with Sony’ Playstation3
as they had the PS1 and PS2 with the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, making a
console with the best graphics available with the addition of Mario and
company and some waggle
controls, I could only see Nintendo’s current system as being
third place out of three rather than the best selling home console in
history, and had Wii performed on par with or less than Gamecube,
it’s questionable if Nintendo would even be making games
And the Wii can put out pretty nice visuals. You may not be able to see
the fleas in Pikachu’s fur as might be possible on a high
performance HD system akin to the PS3, but they are Wii games truly
good graphics in their own right. I’d specifically point out
Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Other M(not the
cutscenes obviously), and Red Steel 2 as examples.
I’m particularly excited to see the new Legend of Zelda at
this year’s E3. Twilight Princess still stands as one of the
overall nicest looking games Nintendo has put out, and that was purely
a Gamecube game aside from the waggle and pointing controls.
With the level of care and polish Nintendo can dedicate to a game built
from the ground up for Wii utilizing 1:1 Motion Plus control, the next
Zelda stands to showcase the full potential of the Wii’s
visual and motion control prowess.
The buzz at Game Developer Conference of a high performance Nintendo DS
successor with graphics comparable to the Nintendo Gamecube is also to
me reflective of Nintendo’s desire to improve their graphic
capability as the costs fit in with their business strategy.

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