STSH Watches Nintendo's E3 2009 Keynote

Since I first started following E3 closely in 2004, Nintendo's annual E3 keynote has become the most anticipated entertainment event on my calendar.  In 2005 I took advantage of an optional exam given by my school that allowed me to be dismissed in time to rush home and watch Nintendo's keynote on my computer, and in 2006 I actually skipped my SAT and slept in my car overnight in front of Nintendo World in Manhattan to see the Wii revealed at their E3 2006 keynote.

After suffering through two dissapointing E3 keynotes from Nintendo in 2007 and 2008, me and my friend Rob were looking forward to Nintendo's showing at E3 2009, and we met up at his house to watch the show on TV. We actually intended to order pizza to eat during the keynote, but we forgot to call before the show started, so instead we ordered pizza afterward.

I set up a camera to record me and Rob's reactions to the announcments revealed during the show, and I know that I personally love seeing other's candid reactions to big reveals, so hopefully you will enjoy our reactions and commentary as we watched Nintendo's E3 2009 keynote.


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