Rare Nintendo Handhelds
I've been fortunate enough to obtain a number of unique Nintendo
handhels systems, some of which were signed by key Nintendo figures,
and another which serves as a one-of-a-kind momento of an important day
in Nintendo History.
E3 2006 Nintendo World DS System
Many limited edition Nintendo handhelds have been released over the
years, but this rare gem is the only system I know of made to
commemorate a single day in Nintendo history.
May 5, 2006 was the day that Nintendo first revealed the Wii to the
public for the first time at their E3 Media Briefing. After Nintendo 64
and Nintendo Gamecube failed to achieve the marketshare dominance that
Nintendo enjoyed in the 80's and early 90's, many gamers and industry
pundits began to question if Nintendo could remain relevant the
upcoming console generation. The Media Briefing held on May 5th 2006
was the beginning of an upturn in the lackluster public image that had
haunted Nintendo since the launch of Gamecube, and showed the world
that they were ready to reclaim market dominance in an age when many
expected them to go the way of Sega.
At a VIP party held at the Nintendo World store in New York City after
the Media Briefing, 50 attendees were given the opportunity to hand
over their Nintendo DS systems so that a custom engraving could be
placed on their systems to commemorate the Media Briefing. No one knew
beforehand that this special engraving was being offered, therefore,
attendees only had their used and worn in Nintendo DS systems
which they had already used and abused to hand in.
Attendees lamented that they didn't have the
opportunity to run out to the store and buy a new DS from a nearby
store to have engraved, because attendees were not
allowed to re-enter the party once they had left the door.
A few days after the Media Briefing, I got a call from Nintendo World
saying that they accidentally destroyed my Nintendo DS with the
engraving machine and replaced it with a brand new unit.
Far from disappointed, I was thrilled, because at that point I realized
that I would now have one of the few (if not only) mint condition examples of the E3
2006 Nintendo DS, and furthermore, since the DS I had given them was
the very uncommon graphite black Nintendo DS imported from Japan, I
almost certainly had the only example of this system in graphite black.
Since only 50 of the attendee's systems were engraved, it's very likely
that I have the only mint condition example of the E3 2006 DS in
Graphite, or even the only Graphite or mint example of this system
whatsoever. These systems were never offered for sale at retail.
Obviously I never played this system. I never even took the stylus pen to the touch screen.
So, behold, a possibly one of a kind mint condition example of one of the rarest Nintendo DS systems in existence!
Nintendo DS Signed by Shigeru Miyamoto
In September 2005, legendary Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto appeared at Nintendo World.
If you don't know, Miyamoto is the creator of
Super Mario, The Legend
of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, and numerous other Nintendo classics.
By a coincidence of fate, I ended up on the overnight line in front of
Nintendo World to meet him. This story alone is worthy of an entire
site feature, or perhaps even a full length memoir, either of which I
will write at a later date.
Despite leaving my house with the possibility of meeting Miyamoto in
mind, I deliberately didn't bring anything for him to autograph.
As the time I thought "Everyone is going to be asking him to sign
things, I don't want to bother him with an autograph, just seeing him
will be enough.".
When it later became clear that the main "point" of the event was for
him to sign things, I thought I might as well give him the Nintendo DS
system I brought the day the system launched nearly a year earlier to
autograph. My mom, who was also with me, presented him with the box
from my then newly purchased GameBoy Micro to sign. If not for me
wanting to buy the GameBoy Micro the previous day, I quite likely would
have never had the chance to meet Miyamoto.
The picture of me shaking hands with Shigeru Miyamoto was distributed in Nintendo's official press kit for the event.
I never used this Nintendo DS for gaming again, and replaced it with
black Nintendo DS imported from Japan, which was later transformed into
my E3 2006 Nintendo DS.
Gameboy Micro faceplates signed by Reggie Fils-Amie
"My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass, I'm about taking names, and we're about making games!"
- Reggie Fils-Aimie
With these cheesy yet highly effective opening words at Nintendo's E3
2004 Media Briefing, the gaming world got its first taste of Reggie
Fils-Amie, the new VP of Sales and Marketing of Nintendo of America,
who sent a strong message that Nintendo was still relevant at a time in
which many gaming pundits predicted a Sega-like collapse for Nintendo.
E3 2004 launched an era fans dubbed the "Reggielution", in which
Nintendo turned out a unexpected success with the Nintendo DS
(predicted by numerous "experts" to be a short lived VirtualBoy like disaster) and
prepared themselves to regain market dominance with the Wii in the then
upcoming home console generation.
Due to a stroke of dumb luck, I ended up in a unique face-to-face
opportunity with Reggie Fils-Amie only seconds after getting my
Nintendo DS signed by Shigeru Miyamoto.
He signed my GameBoy Micro faceplates, and told me that the flame
colored faceplate was his favorite. I didn't have him sign the silver
faceplate, because I knew that if he did, I'd likely never play my
Micro in public again due to me being afraid of the faceplate getting
scratched up. In hindsight I would have had him sign all three
faceplates, but honestly, I wasn't technically supposed to even be near
Reggie at the time, so I made out rather well.
I offered him the DS that Miyamoto had just signed, but he refused, and
in hindsight I'm quite thankful for that. I have numerous other items
signed by Reggie, but I'll share those elsewhere, since this page is
only about video game hardware.
Reggie did an incredible job signing these faceplates, they almost look
like "Special Reggie Edition" Gameboy Micro plates rather than ones
that were simply autographed.
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Thanks to PeteDorr for advice on lighting and displaying the sytems. Check him out his YouTube channel!
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