Why Connect 24?

first hinted at what would become known as “WiiConnect24”
at E3 2005, six months before Nintendo revealed the Wii Remote and a
full year before Nintendo showed the first Wii gameplay footage at E3 2006.
E3 2006 and even past the launch of Wii, Nintendo advertised
“WiiConnect24” as one of the key reasons Wii was such a
great system. Nintendo promised that Wii Connect 24 would make the Wii
a new experience every day, adding new levels, items, missions, system
updates, and Wii Channel content even while we slept, so that we would
be surprised with a bunch of cool new stuff every time we turned our
Wii consoles on.
What the heck happened Nintendo?
years into the system's life-span and I'm not aware of any feature or
game that uses WiiConnect24 in any significant capacity, and I’ve
had my WiiConnect24 activated from the day I brought my system home on
launch day back in 2006.
Why do I have to manually install
updates to my Wii Channels and Wii Console and wait 5 or more minutes
for them to connect and download to my system? Shouldn't the Wii have
been doing this before I even turned the system on through WiiConnect24?
time I use the News, Forecast, Nintendo, and Everybody Votes channels,
I have to wait a minute or more for the Wii to connect to the internet
and download new material for them. This should happen automatically
before I even turn on the system if Wii Connect 24 is even half as
useful as Nintendo says it is, but because I have to wait, I often
don’t even bother with these features because using them takes up
too much time.
It’s especially annoying when I want to go
and browse through the Wii Shop Channel and find that the Wii is
DEMANDING that I go and download a new version of the operating system
before I can even use the Shop Channel, and this is after I already
spent 30 seconds or more just logging in to even attempt to get into
the Shop Channel to begin with.
So now I have to go into my Wii
System Menu and download the new OS upgrade, which takes about 5
minutes, so by the time it finishes downloading, I don’t even
feel like shopping for games anymore, let alone sitting down and
playing the games I already have.
On the rare occasion that my
Wii’s disk tray starts glowing, which is the signal that Wii
Connect 24 has received an update, I’ll turn on my Wii and find
that the “update” I got was a message from Nintendo telling
me to download a new channel or download a new operating system
Shouldn’t Nintendo have just sent me those new
features or upgrades automatically to begin with rather than send me a
message telling me to do it manually?
Honestly, all I've used
WiiConnect24 in the three and a half years I’ve owned a Wii for
is sending my Wii blank emails form my computer to make the disk slot
glow, which is something I shouldn't have to jump through loops to make
happen anyway, it should just be a menu option.
As far as
I’m concerned, right now WiiConnect24 is the virtual equivalent
to those “mystery ports” on the bottoms of the NES, Super
NES, Nintendo 64 and Nintendo Gamecube consoles that promised
“exciting opportunities for expansion” only to play host to
gimmicky peripherals late in the consoles lifespan, or worse, nothing
at all.
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