Helious is one of those rare games that strikes at the very core of
what gaming is all about. Like Super Mario Bros., Tetris, and Pac-Man,
there are no frills or dazzling graphics in Helious, just a simple,
fun gameplay concept executed to perfection.
Helious is an MS-DOS game released in 1993 by Sean M. Puckett. It was a
shareware title, which means it was distributed via the internet on
message boards or by being passed around on floppy disks, which is how
I got my copy well before I had internet access.
They are no real characters to speak of in Helious, the player controls
an air filled ball drifting free of gravity in a maze-like environment.
The ball rockets around the screen by releasing air. The ball deflates as air is expended,
until finally, the ball runs out of air and vanishes, ending the game.
With skillful handling it’s possible to move very efficiently
while spending very little air, but many of the mazes feature narrow
passages that the player must deliberately sacrifice air in order to
fit through. Rouge missiles, spikes, locked gates, and other obstacles
will also deflate your balloon.
Air pumps placed strategically throughout the level give players the
chance to re-inflate their ball, but the ball can fill to the point of
bursting, which will also end your game and keep you constantly on your
toes despite the relief finding these air pumps can bring when lost
deep in a difficult level.
Blue gems are scattered throughout the nine levels, and the goal of
each level is to collect all the blue gems and then touch the flag at
the end of the stage. If all the blue gems have been obtained, the flag
will transform into a glyph unique to that level, which must be written
down or memorized by the player.
The nine glyphs must then be entered into the game’s clock-like
level select screen. Correctly match each glyph with its appropriate
icon on the level select screen, and you’ve completed the game.
The glyphs can be entered into the level select screen at any time, and
if you’re lucky, crafty, or already know the solution, you can
beat the game without playing a single level.
There is no scoring system, and beyond the title screen and
instructions, not a single word of dialog, it’s just you and the
blue ball hunting for the glyphs needed to solve the game.
The controls are tight, the ball responds perfectly, yet maneuvering it
will be a real test of any gamer’s precision and coordination.
Mash the keys like you’re playing Super Mario Bros., and
you’ll find the ball shooting in every direction and deflating
rapidly. It takes a light hand to handle the ball, and a cool mind not
to over-react to the zooming missiles, gun turrets, and spike traps
found in later levels.

Levels can be played in any order, but increase in difficulty as you
move clockwise around the level select screen, with the Twelve O Clock
level being the easiest and the Eleven O Clock being the most
Starting with the third level, just reaching the flag is a challenge in
itself, let alone collecting every single blue gem along the way. My
suggestion is to do some practice runs, exploring each leavel with the
goal of reaching the flag, and once you're good at that to then go
after the blue gems. Helious is completely
unforgiving, if you ball pops or deflates, you have to start the level
from the beginning, no checkpoints or continues to help
you out.
The graphics are bright and crisp, and the visuals of each level
unique. You really can’t ask much more from the graphics, they do
their job perfectly, so they are by definition very good graphics
despite the game being nearly twenty years old.
Despite having no in-game dialog or plot progression, Helious
incorporates an intriguing and creative back story which adds
tremendously to the motivation to finish the game and is a large part of why I like it so much.
Helious is accompanied by a short story accessible through the
game’s title screen which explains that the “game”
was actually not programmed or created Sean Puckett, but was left on
Puckett’s computer during a close encounter in which
extra-terrestrials invaded his home.
After adding a title screen (Van Gogh’s “Starry
Night”), digital instruction manual, and a shareware license
asking that he be paid for the work of the aliens that visited his
home, Puckett releases Helious to the world.
I actually played Helious dozens of times before I realized that this
back-story existed, and reading it added tremendously to the experience of
playing the game. It makes you wonder what you’re
doing moving this blue ball around. Is it a spaceship? Is it a microbe? Is it a computer virus?
Are the blue gems some kind of food or fuel or something? What are the
glyphs and symbols found around every corner of the game mean?

story aspect of Helious makes it the only game that I haven’t
spoiled for myself despite not having beaten it in the eleven years
I’ve been playing, which includes long breaks where I put my old
DOS computer away for years at a time. It probably helps that Helious
is pretty obscure and surprisingly I haven’t been able to find a
solution to the game online. In fact, so few people are discussing
Helious that it made me decide to make this page to give the game
more exposure.
Helious wasn’t intended to be played for free, and though it was
is distributed free of charge back in the day, the game reminds that
you should pay the company if you play the game more than twice by
sending a check via snail mail to an obsolete address.
The concept of demanding payment for something that has already
deliberately been given away for free is almost laughably naive by
today’s standards, but I suppose it worked at the time, because
though I never sent any checks in the mail back in the 90’s, I
did receive nearly every computer game I owned back then via shareware traded on
floppy disks.
There was a sequel to Helious which was advertised in an order form
accessible from the title screen. The only way to get Helious II was to
print out the order form and enclose it with money to the address
specified, but since that address no longer exists, Helious II was
virtually impossible to find until very recently when the creator of
Helious put up a website and offered it for download.
There’s not much else to be said about Helious. It can be
downloaded free of charge from the internet and played on any modern
computer via an MS-DOS emulator like
DOS-BOX for PCs or
Boxer if you’re like me and own a Macintosh.
If you’re a newcomer to Helious and try it after reading this feature, please leave a comment in the
guestbook and tell me what you think. I’d love to hear from you.
Helious and Helious II can be downloaded from
Sean Puckett's website.
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